Camera movement and editing
Camera movement and editing
1) Pick three aspects of camera movement in the Minority Report clip. Identify the type of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene and what effect it has on the audience.
A)When the character is being chased by the antagonist for his life, Crane is utilised from 1:05 to 1:10. He may be employed by the police, and he may know some of the bad guy's secrets, which he is going to share with them.
B) When the camera tilts downwards at the character during 1:25 to 1:30, a Tilt is utilised to highlight the strength of him. He is able to kill them right now because he has so much power simply from working with the cops.
C) Zoom is used fat 2:10 to 2:11 as the camera zooms into the character's face it shows us how terrified he is when the villain he coming closer to kill him.
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