January assessment: learner response

January assessment: learner response

Total:11                    Grade:3

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW - This is more evidence we need to push your targrade higher. This is shows knowledge of terminology (Q1+Q@) and a clear opinion on Q6

EBI - To reach the top levels for the 20 marker essay you need to learn the CSPs in detail and make lots of responses to them in your answer

- revise vertical integration and industry terminology 

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully (you'll need your Greenford Google login to access this). Write down the mark you achieved for each question:







I got the highest mark in the last (Q6) because i had understanding of both the theoretical framework and the influence of contexts, demonstrated by some effective discussion of the extent to which low budget/independent film productions cannot compete with Hollywood blockbusters.

3) Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme? Copy in one answer from the mark scheme that you could have used.

I had a Basic knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework, demonstrated by occasional appropriate explanation of both readings. I should have Excellent knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework, demonstrated by consistently effective explanation of both readings.Women are portrayed in a subversive / non-conventional way as their strength and independence is highlighted by the image (pose / pride in facial expression etc.). This is an empowering image as she is looking directly at the target audience (women) with a strong face so they can relate to her power and resilience and aspire to be similar / mobilise into action.Women would not be able to relate to the muscular physique of the woman in the image and this would put them off taking a job.The target audience might find the image patronising because it uses the word ‘We’ and suggests that the only way a woman can be successful in  the work place is by appropriating male characteristics / changing.

4) Now look at question 4. Write a definition of vertical integration plus the benefits of it to revise this key industry terminology. You may find the blogpost on ownership and control helpful here.

Vertical integration is when one conglomerate owns different companies in the same chain of production. E.G Disney owns film studios, CGI specialists, film distributors and TV channels such as the Disney Channel. This gives Disney the chance to make money at every stage of production. Complete ownership = more profit.

5) Finally, look at your 20-mark essay - question 6. Read this exemplar answer to help give you an idea of what a top-level response looks like. Then, write five points from either the exemplar answer or the mark scheme that you could have used in your answer. This will be excellent revision for a future film industry exam question. 

  • Excellent understanding of both the theoretical framework and the influence of contexts, demonstrated by consistently effective discussion of the extent to which low budget/independent film productions cannot compete with Hollywood blockbusters.
  • Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are consistently well supported by relevant examples.
  • Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject specific terminology throughout.
  • Black Widow as a Hollywood blockbuster cost $200m to make – far more than independent films. However, due to the impact of Covid-19 on cinemas and the film industry, the film only made $379m at the box office – much lower than similar Marvel films that usually make around $1 billion at the worldwide box office.
  • Partnerships are important in the marketing of all films and I, Daniel Blake wasn promoted in partnership with Trinity Mirror (newspaper group). The Daily Mirror newspaper supports the Labour Party and therefore would agree with the main message of Ken Loach’s film.


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