His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries

 His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries blog tasks


1) Read this audience rating guide for His Dark Materials. Based on the screening and this article, who do you think the target audience is for His Dark Materials and why? What about psychographic groups? You can revise Pyschographics here.

According to the audience rating guide, viewers 13 and older should see His Dark Materials. This implies that adults and teenagers are most likely the intended audience for His Dark Materials. This makes sense because the programme is a fantasy drama with mature content and intricate concepts that might not be appropriate for younger audiences.

Psychographically speaking, readers of His Dark Materials may fall under the fantasy and science fiction genres as well as the thought-provoking and sophisticated storytelling categories. Fans of Philip Pullman's original book series as well as viewers drawn to excellent, immersive television storytelling may fall under this category. Since His Dark Materials frequently explores complex issues of morality, religion, and the nature of humanity, viewers interested in philosophical and ethical subjects may also find the show interesting.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: 

By bringing the audience into the world of Lyra and Will, the two young protagonists on a quest for self-discovery, the episode allows them to experience the joy of personal identity. Via the characters' travels, the spectator can identify with their hardships and victories and experience a sense of escape. The spectator feels a sense of exhilaration and excitement, for instance, when Lyra and Will are exploring the mystery city of Cittàgazze and learning more about the delicate knife. This allows them to escape from their real-life situations and enter a fantastical realm.

Personal Relationships: 

The strong ties and connections that the individuals have with one another are another way that the episode gives the audience a taste of the joys of interpersonal relationships. Seeing the alliances and friendships that are forged, especially between the main protagonists and the witches, will satisfy the audience. The spectator feels fulfilled and connected as a result of witnessing the cooperation between Lyra and the witches in their struggle against the Magisterium, which exemplifies the strength of relationships and solidarity.

Diversion (Escapism): 

In addition, the programme offers viewers a form of escape or distraction by putting them in a magical setting full of mystery and excitement. The mythical world of daemons, armoured bears, and enigmatic prophecies might be experienced by the audience as an escape from everyday worries. The audience is able to briefly set aside their concerns and immerse themselves in an engrossing and exhilarating storyline because to the episode's vivid and inventive storytelling.

All things considered, the audience can enjoy a variety of joys from His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies, such as a fulfilling sense of personal identity, the satisfaction of personal connections, and a fun diversion from reality. Since these pleasures satisfy the audience's requirements for amusement, connection, and escape, they are consistent with Blumler and Katz's theory of Uses and Gratifications.

3) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to His Dark Materials? Refer to specific scenes or moments in the episode to explain your answer. 

There are hints of all three Vs audience delights in His Dark Materials. The series' intense and action-packed moments, such the fast-paced and thrilling chase scenes with the Gyptians or the violent clashes amongst the armoured bears, are filled with visceral pleasures. The emotional and private moments between the characters—like Lyra's exchanges with Iorek Byrnison, the polar bear—offer vicarious joys by letting the audience feel the characters' affinity and connection. When the audience is allowed to glimpse the innermost feelings and thoughts of the characters—as is the case when we witness the internal conflicts of Mrs. Coulter and Lord Asriel as they work through their nuanced motivations and relationships—voyeuristic pleasures are clearly apparent. All things considered, His Dark Materials skillfully combines all three Vs audience delights to provide its viewers a complex and captivating visual experience.

4) How did fans react to Season 2 of His Dark Materials? What about critic reviews? You can find some possible answers for this in this BBC website article on the critical reception for His Dark Materials and watch the fan reaction video above.

The majority of His Dark Materials viewers responded well to Season 2, with many praising the show's excellent acting and realistic retelling of the novel. The show's outstanding world-building and visual effects were also commended by certain viewers. Nonetheless, several viewers also voiced dissatisfaction with the way some character arcs were handled and the overall pacing of the season.

His Dark Materials Season 2 received mostly favourable reviews from critics. The show received high marks from critics for its superb acting, eye-catching graphics, and capacity to go further into the intricate world that author Philip Pullman has built. In comparison to the first season, some critics also pointed out improvements in the pacing and storytelling. However, some of the season's character decisions and plot twists were also criticised. The general agreement among critics was that the adaptation of His Dark Materials remained captivating and aesthetically gorgeous.

5) What might be some of the preferred and oppositional readings for His Dark Materials? Why did some fans love it? Why have other people criticised it? 

Many fans of the well-known book series His Dark Materials have commended it for its intricate world-building, well-written characters, and thought-provoking stories. It delves into profound subjects like the human soul, religious authority, and free will. A lot of admirers also adore Lyra Bellacqua, the strong and self-reliant female lead, and the heartwarming tale of her maturation. The series' anti-religious overtones, including its criticism of organised religion and portrayal of the church as repressive and corrupt, have drawn criticism from certain commentators and readers. Concerning the novels' deep themes and intricate ideas, several critics have also voiced their concerns, saying that younger readers might not find them appropriate.

Why certain fans adore it:

The engrossing and captivating narrative

The creative and intricate world-building

The characters' depth

Investigating profound subjects

The series' emotional and intimate appeal


1) Which companies produced this His Dark Materials series?

Scholastic, BBC Studios, Bad Wolf, and New Line Cinema developed the His Dark Materials series.

2) What were the UK viewing figures for A City of Magpies? How did this compare to season 1 of His Dark Materials?

While many critics have praised the second series of His Dark Materials, some have claimed it is not as strong as the first. An average of 4.4 million people watched the second season premiere episode, The City of Magpies, on Sunday night.

3) What was American network HBO's role in making His Dark Materials and why is this important? Look at the notes above for more on this.

Taking everything into account, the casting of these actors for His Dark Materials most likely reflected their individual talents, experiences, and ability to bring depth and emotion to their parts. Given their background and range of acting abilities, they were arguably the finest choices for the play. Their critically acclaimed roles in His Dark Materials attest to the wisdom of the casting decisions.

4) What famous stars are in His Dark Materials and why do you think they were selected for the show? Watch the Comic Con panel video in the notes above to see the stars talking about the show.

His Dark Materials stars a number of well-known actors, including Dafne Keen, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ruth Wilson, and James McAvoy. These actors were most likely picked for the production due to their talent, reputation, and ability to bring depth and emotion to their roles. Dafne Keen, who is most recognised for her role in Logan, was chosen due to her compelling and strong on-screen demeanour. Ruth Wilson, who became well-known for her part in The Affair, was most likely chosen for the part due to her skill in portraying complex and enigmatic characters.James McAvoy, who is well-known for his roles in X-Men and Split, was most likely picked for the role due to his versatility. Finally, Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is most recognised for his parts in Hamilton and Mary Poppins Returns, was most likely chosen due to his charm. 

5) Who are Bad Wolf and what do they produce?

Established in 2015 by Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter, Bad Wolf Ltd. is a television production company headquartered in Cardiff, Wales, in the United Kingdom. Television programmes produced by the company include The Night Of, Beddgelert, A Discovery of Witches, His Dark Materials, and the current Doctor Who series.

Comparison: Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child and His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies

1) How are the technical conventions different between 1963 Doctor Who and 2020 His Dark Materials (e.g. camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene)?

The technical norms of Dark Materials and Doctor Who between 1963 and 2020 are very different in terms of cameras, editing, sound, and scene. Camerawork: In 1963, Doctor Who had more static and constrained camerawork because of the limitations of the time's technology. The shots are frequently straightforward and uncomplicated, with very little movement from the camera. On the other hand, 2020's dark materials feature considerably more dynamic and intricate camerawork, with a greater variety of movement and more advanced film production. Editing: The editing for Doctor Who in 1963 used more straightforward cutting methods and transitions.However, his dark materials are more intricate and employ a variety of editing methods, such as quick cuts, visual effects, and computer-generated imagery. Sound: Due to technological limitations in 1963, Doctor Who's sound design relied on more straightforward audio effects and recording techniques. On the other hand, the dark materials make use of the latest developments in sound technology, including sophisticated sound design, a greater variety of sound effects, and immersive sound experiences. Setting the scene: Due to financial and technological constraints, Doctor Who was able to create a more straightforward set design and visual impact in 1963. However, his dark materials make use of contemporary developments in visual effects and production design to create a more complex and engrossing scene.Overall, the technological norms of his Dark Materials 2020 were far more sophisticated and advanced than those of Doctor Who 1963, reflecting the advancement of both production standards and television technology. 

2) What similarities and differences are there between Doctor Who and His Dark Materials in terms of genre and narrative?

Similarities between Doctor Who and His Dark Materials include: - Time travel, parallel universes, and magical creatures are all features of both works, which are classified as science fiction or fantasy.
"- The teenage heroes of both stories are dragged into epic quests that entail preserving the universe or the world.Disparities: His Dark Materials is a collection of novels by Philip Pullman that have been made into TV shows and motion pictures, whereas Doctor Who is a long-running television series that debuted in 1963.

- While His Dark Materials explores deeper, darker issues like the origin of mind and theology, Doctor Who frequently adopts a lighter, lighthearted tone.
- While the story of Doctor Who frequently consists of stand-alone episodes or mini-arcs, the story of His Dark Materials is told as a more cohesive, linear tale that spans the volumes.

3) How are representations of people, places and groups similar or different in the two shows?

There may be similarities and differences between the person, location, and group depicted in the two shows. Comparability: 1. To portray certain people or locations, both shows occasionally use generalisations or stereotypes. For instance, they can characterise New Yorkers as impulsive and quick-witted, or they might characterise a certain neighbourhood as harsh and hazardous. 2. Common archetypes, such as the eccentric friend, the hard-yet-loving protagonist, or the wise-old mentor, can also be used to portray people in both programmes. Variations: 1. While one show may rely more on exaggerated or caricatured representations for comedic or dramatic effect, the other may concentrate more on accurate and nuanced depictions of people, locations, and groups.2. Depending on the particular theme and focus of each performance, several viewpoints on the same individuals, locations, or organisations may also be presented in performances. For instance, one programme can highlight the problems and hardships of a certain community, while another might portray it as lively and diverse. 


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