Video adverts pre-production
Video adverts pre-production
1) Create TWO scripts for your two different adverts
First add
Its going to be me and my friend in the advert in the gym working out in a formal gym clothes.
At the start:
Me and my will be working out together in the gym and i feel vary tired and not feeling like doing the workout.
ME: I can't do this any more.
My friend: come on man you can do this
Me: I can't
my friend hands me over a drink which will be the product that I will be making the add on.
My friend : hear take this it will boost your strength.
Me: ok fine
My friend: did it work?
Me: yeahhhhh!!
at the end the voice over will say the flowing:
"explode you fitness"
Second add:
It will start of in a local park me and my friend doing exercise.doing laps around the hills. In the morning.
Me: we have to do around 5 to 6 laps around the parks ok.
telling my friend
my friend: ok fine we will do itl.
In the 2-3 lpas the editing will be fast paced. And when we get around lap 4 i start geting tired and my friend gives me the drink.
Me: bri u cant do this any more to tired for this.
My friend: come on man you can
me: i cant
sit on the ground
my friend: hare take this.
Me: what i this
my friend: just drink it
: did it work?
me: yeas it worked
At the end they both drink it and be full of energy.
2) Shot list
Once you have two full scripts you are happy with, you can turn them into a shot list (or shot lists) containing EVERY shot you plan to film for your adverts AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing. You'll know from your preliminary exercise that missing a shot, continuity errors or not having enough material makes editing much more difficult. A good shot list will help you avoid this. In particular, make sure you plan lots of extra shots that you may not need but can help you with editing. These additional shots are often close-ups, cutaways, alternative angles or similar. In particular, make sure you get lots of additional shots of the product as these will be vital in your adverts.
For the first add:
Wide shot of the gym
Over the shoulder of the product
Close up of me drinking the drink
Extreme close up of the sweat of the face by doing the workout.
Close up on the face showing me struggling when doing my workout
3) Mise-en-scene
What iconography or mise-en-scene are you including to ensure your audience understands your adverts and the message you are communicating? Plan your cast, costume, make-up, props, lighting and setting. This can be simply completed using your blog or on a Google Doc - the key aspect is to have planned all the critical details. Remember the mise-en-scene mnemonic: CLAMPS.
For the first add:
Costume: In a Nike tee and nike joggers
Lighting / time of day: in the evening at 4:00
Actors - casting, placement, movement: it will be me and my friend in the add.
Make-up and hair: There will be no makeup done
Props: dumbbells and the bottle of the proteen shake
Setting: In the gym
For the second add:
Costume: Normal joggers with are made for jogging.
Lighting / time of day: it will be in the morning around 8-9am.
Actors - casting, placement, movement: it will be ma and my friend and my cuisine. My cuisine will be filming the add and me and my friend will be doing all he dilog.
Make-up and hair: no
Props: Just the drink
Setting: In a local park
4) Shooting schedule
Plan a shooting schedule for your filming over the next week. Include when, where, who is required and what shots you will complete at each time/location. Again, this can be on Google Docs or Sheets or you could simply use your blog. The most important thing is that you've planned it!
for the first add i will be getting ready and we me and my friend will meet up at the gym at 4 pm. then in the gym we will take every shot this is because it is mainly aimed in the gym.
for the second add we will meat in the local parke at 8 :30 in the morning i will will take all the shots from there and will be done in like 20-25 min
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